version 1.9, 2013/02/25 13:48:21
version 1.31, 2024/12/13 16:03:49
Line 1
Line 1
#!/usr/bin/perl -w |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w |
############################################################################### |
# $Log$ |
# Revision 1.31 2024/12/13 16:03:49 nick |
# This adds the ability to specify a comic as a link only with a default splash image. |
# |
# Revision 1.30 2022/10/04 12:02:03 nick |
# Added --no-check-certificate for wget calls as arcamax was failing its cert check. Meh, whatever. It's just comics. |
# |
# Revision 1.29 2020/06/10 21:32:52 nick |
# Centered page |
# |
# Revision 1.28 2020/06/10 21:14:31 nick |
# Updated for w3 validation. |
# |
# Revision 1.27 2019/04/15 12:50:23 nick |
# The script was unable to handle html '&' and convert it, so I added that. I probably should see if there's a library or something that handles all those automagically but I just tossed a regex in there for now that does the trick. |
# |
# Revision 1.26 2018/04/22 14:03:54 nick |
# Changed the default for Sunday comics that was causing issues with some comics. |
# |
# Revision 1.25 2018/02/12 13:30:58 nick |
# Added an easier to compare date string to determine if the status json file was updated today and report if it wasn't. |
# |
# Revision 1.24 2018/02/06 14:31:06 nick |
# A status report is now generated in JSON that can easily be scanned so that |
# I can be alerted when there are failures that I miss if I don't read the |
# comics that day. |
# |
# Revision 1.23 2018/01/26 13:05:27 nick |
# Added a new config option to remove all newline from the resulting index.html |
# file. This allows for easier parsing for certain comics. I then updated |
# the URLs to search for and enabled the newline removal for a handful |
# of uComics. |
# |
# I believe I've also properly fixed the Comic Config version displayed on |
# the webpage itself. |
# |
# Revision 1.22 2017/12/05 13:37:40 nick |
# Added the CVS config version to the outpuit. |
# |
# Revision 1.21 2015/10/26 14:25:40 nick |
# Fixed a bug that was improperly including the day of week string preventing the weekend comics from fetching proproperly. |
# |
# Revision 1.20 2015/10/22 12:58:44 nick |
# Added the ability for Sunday only comics. Stonesoup is no longer weekdays, this has been added to Sunday only. I also added Foxtrot Classics for weekdays and Foxtrot for Sundays. |
# |
# Revision 1.19 2015/07/13 12:56:58 nick |
# Added Sally Forth and Pearls Before Swine. Adding Sally Forth required a change in the 'wget' command for fetching the index file to include 'user-agent' and 'referer'. |
# |
# Revision 1.18 2015/05/07 12:31:43 nick |
# Added favicon |
# |
# Revision 1.17 2015/02/19 14:56:10 nick |
# Fixed a problem that forced everything to JPG. This would kill GIF animations, but would not display the gifs either because 'convert' appends an index number to the end of the file name for each from of the GIF animation. I fixed this to maintain GIF compatibilty as well as rewritting how the script fetches the size of the file. Additionally, I updated the configuration for Questionable Content to search for GIF or JPG, which is what triggered this entire update. |
# |
# Revision 1.16 2015/02/05 18:05:58 nick |
# Changed the background and added a fancy title. |
# |
# Revision 1.15 2015/01/19 13:46:19 nick |
# *** empty log message *** |
# |
############################################################################### |
use strict; |
use strict; |
use File::Path; |
use File::Path; |
use Data::Dumper; |
use Data::Dumper; |
use Pod::Usage; |
use Pod::Usage; |
use Getopt::Long; |
use Getopt::Long; |
use JSON::Create 'create_json'; |
use Date::Calc qw/Date_to_Text_Long Today Day_of_Week Day_of_Week_to_Text/; |
use Data::Dumper; |
print("Running"); |
## |
## |
## Some default values |
## Some default values |
## |
## |
my $ver = q/$Id$/; |
my $ver = '$Id$'; |
my $comicFile = "comics.conf"; |
my $comicFile = "comics.conf"; |
my $comicConfigVer = "Unknown"; |
my $reportFile = "/home/httpd/html/daily/comics/status_report.json"; |
my %comics = &readComicConfig ( $comicFile ); |
my %comics = &readComicConfig ( $comicFile ); |
my %opts = &fetchOptions( ); |
my %opts = &fetchOptions( ); |
my $days_ago = $opts{'days'} || 0; |
my $days_ago = $opts{'days'} || 0; |
Line 22 my $indexDir = $baseDir . "/" . ( $co
Line 92 my $indexDir = $baseDir . "/" . ( $co
my $USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110628 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.18"; |
my $USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110628 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.18"; |
my @days = qw/ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday /; |
my @days = qw/ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday /; |
my $DATE=`date`; chomp $DATE; |
my $DATE=`date`; chomp $DATE; |
print STDOUT "Starting comic fetch at $DATE\n"; |
print STDOUT "Starting comic fetch at $DATE\n"; |
Line 34 print STDOUT "Starting comic fetch at $D
Line 103 print STDOUT "Starting comic fetch at $D
&writeTitle ( \%dates ); |
&writeTitle ( \%dates ); |
foreach my $comic ( sort keys %comics ) { |
foreach my $comic ( sort keys %comics ) { |
print("Checking Comic $comic\n"); |
## Skip if this is Sunday and the comic is weekdays only |
next if ( $comic =~ m/config/ ); |
next if ( $comic =~ m/config/ ); |
if (($dates{'wday'} eq "Sunday") && |
($comics{$comic}{'not_sunday'} == 1)) { |
print "Skipping '$comic'; Weekdays only.\n"; |
next; |
} |
## Skip if Sunday only comic and it's not Sunday. |
if (($dates{'wday'} ne "Sunday") && |
($comics{$comic}{'sunday_only'} == 1)) { |
print "Skipping '$comic' ($comics{$comic}{'sunday_only'}); Sunday only.\n"; |
next |
} |
$comics{$comic}{'error'} = &downloadComic ( \%comics, $comic, \%dates ); |
$comics{$comic}{'error'} = &downloadComic ( \%comics, $comic, \%dates ); |
&writeComic ( \%comics, $comic, \%dates ); |
&writeComic ( \%comics, $comic, \%dates ); |
} |
print "Finding in $imageDir/*-$dates{'day2'}.jpg\n"; |
my $file = "$imageDir/$comic-$dates{'day2'}.$comics{$comic}{'ext'}"; |
foreach my $file ( glob( "$imageDir/*-$dates{'day2'}.jpg" ) ) |
my $size = 0; |
{ |
my $size = `/usr/bin/identify $file`; |
$size =~ s/.*\s(\d+)x\d+.*/$1/; |
system( "/usr/bin/convert -resize 640 $file $file" ) |
## Resize downloaded images |
if ( $size > 640 ) |
if($comics{$comic}{'mode'} != 3) { |
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/identify -verbose $file|"; |
open(IMG, $cmd) || die ("Can't open: $!\n"); |
while(<IMG>) { |
if ($_ =~ m/^\s+geometry:\s+(\d+)x\d+.*/i) { |
$size = $1 if ( $size == 0); |
} |
} |
close(IMG); |
system( "/usr/bin/convert -resize 800 $file $file" ) |
if ( $size > 800 ) |
} |
} |
} |
## &writeMainIndex ( \%dates ); |
## &writeMainIndex ( \%dates ); |
&writeFooter( \%dates ); |
&writeFooter( \%dates ); |
print STDOUT "Status written to $reportFile.\n" |
if (&writeStatusReportJSON(\%comics, $reportFile)); |
$DATE=`date`; chomp( $DATE ); |
$DATE=`date`; chomp( $DATE ); |
print STDOUT "Completed comic fetch at $DATE\n"; |
print STDOUT "Completed comic fetch at $DATE\n"; |
Line 80 sub downloadComic ($$) {
Line 177 sub downloadComic ($$) {
return directDownload ( \%comics, $comic, $date ); |
return directDownload ( \%comics, $comic, $date ); |
last SWITCH; |
last SWITCH; |
} |
} |
if ( $comics->{$comic}{'mode'} eq 3 ) { |
return 0; |
last SWITCH; |
} |
} |
} |
return "ERROR: Unknown download method specified for $comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}."; |
return "ERROR: Unknown download method specified for $comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}."; |
Line 92 sub readComicConfig ($$) {
Line 193 sub readComicConfig ($$) {
my %comicConfig = ( ); |
my %comicConfig = ( ); |
my %config = ( ); |
my %config = ( ); |
my ($year, $mon, $day) =( localtime(time))[5,4,3]; |
$year += 1900; |
$mon = sprintf("%02d", ($mon + 1)); |
$day = sprintf("%02d", $day); |
open FILEN, "<$comicFile"; |
open FILEN, "<$comicFile"; |
while (<FILEN>) { |
while (<FILEN>) { |
#if ($_ =~ m/^#.* \$[Ii][Dd]:,v 1.23 2018/01/26 13:05:27 nick Exp $/) { |
if ($_ =~ m/^#.* \$[Ii][dD]: .*,v\ (.*)\ \d{4}\/.*\$$/) { |
$comicConfigVer = $1; |
} |
if ( ( $_ !~ m/^#/ ) && ( $_ =~ m/,.*,/) ){ |
if ( ( $_ !~ m/^#/ ) && ( $_ =~ m/,.*,/) ){ |
$_ =~ s/__YEAR__/$year/g; |
$_ =~ s/__MON__/$mon/g; |
$_ =~ s/__DAY__/$day/g; |
my @res = split /,/, $_; |
my @res = split /,/, $_; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'url'} = $res[1]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'url'} = $res[1]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'search'} = $res[2]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'search'} = $res[2]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'mode'} = $res[3]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'mode'} = $res[3]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'fullName'} = $res[4]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'fullName'} = $res[4]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'ext'} = $res[5]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'ext'} = $res[5]; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'not_sunday'} = sprintf("%d", $res[6] || 0); |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'sunday_only'} = sprintf("%d", $res[7] || 0); |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'remove_newlines'} = sprintf("%d", $res[8] || 0); |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'error'} = 0; |
$comicConfig{$res[0]}{'error'} = 0; |
} |
} |
elsif ( $_ =~ m/(.*)\s+=\s+(.*)/ ) { |
elsif ( $_ =~ m/(.*)\s+=\s+(.*)/ ) { |
Line 114 sub readComicConfig ($$) {
Line 231 sub readComicConfig ($$) {
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub writeStatusReportJSON ($$) { |
my ( $comicsRef, $filename ) = @_; |
my %comics = %$comicsRef; |
my $shortDate = sprintf("%d%02d%02d", (localtime)[5] + 1900, |
(localtime)[4] + 1, |
(localtime)[3]); |
my %json = ('date' => $shortDate, 'comics' => ()); |
my $totalErrors = 0; |
foreach my $comic (sort keys %comics) { |
next unless $comics{$comic}{'fullName'}; |
if ($comics{$comic}{'error'}) { |
my %error = ('comicName' => "$comics{$comic}{'fullName'}", |
'error' => "$comics{$comic}{'error'}", |
'status' => "Error"); |
push @{$json{'comics'}}, \%error; |
$totalErrors += 1; |
} else { |
my %status = ('comicName' => "$comics{$comic}{'fullName'}", |
'error' => 0, |
'status' => "Successfull"); |
push @{$json{'comics'}}, \%status; |
} |
} |
$json{'totalErrors'} = $totalErrors; |
open SR, ">$filename" or die ("ERROR: Failed to create status report: $!\n"); |
print SR create_json (\%json); |
close(SR); |
} |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub writeComic ($$) { |
sub writeComic ($$) { |
my ( $comics, $comic, $date ) = @_; |
my ( $comics, $comic, $date ) = @_; |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $days[$date->{'dow'}] . |
my $sd = substr( join( '', $days[$date->{'dow'}] ), 0, 3 ); |
"-" . $date->{'year2'} . $date->{'mon2'} . |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $date->{'year2'} . |
$date->{'day2'} . ".html"; |
$date->{'mon2'} . $date->{'day2'} . "-" . |
$sd . ".html"; |
$comics->{$comic}{'fullName'} =~ s/&/&/g; |
my $content = <<EOF; |
my $content = <<EOF; |
<!-- ********* Begin $comic ($comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}) ******* --> |
<!-- ********* Begin $comic ($comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}) ******* --> |
Line 126 sub writeComic ($$) {
Line 279 sub writeComic ($$) {
<td align="left"> |
<td align="left"> |
<font color="blue"><b>$comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}</b></font> |
<font color="blue"><b>$comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}</b></font> |
<font size="-2"> |
<font size="-2"> |
<a href="$comics->{$comic}{'url'}"> |
<a href="$comics->{$comic}{'url'}" target="_blank"> |
$comics->{$comic}{'url'} |
$comics->{$comic}{'url'} |
</a> |
</a> |
</font><br/> |
</font><br/> |
<img src="../images/$date->{'mon2'}$date->{'year2'}/$comic-$date->{'day2'}.jpg" alt="$comic-$date->{'day2'}" /> |
if ( $comics->{$comic}{'mode'} == 3 ) { |
print("Mode 3\n"); |
$content .= <<EOF; |
<img src="$comics->{$comic}{'ext'}" alt="$comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}" /> |
} else { |
$content .= <<EOF; |
<img src="../images/$date->{'mon2'}$date->{'year2'}/$comic-$date->{'day2'}.$comics->{$comic}{'ext'}" alt="$comic-$date->{'day2'}" /> |
} |
$content .= <<EOF; |
<br/><br/> |
<br/><br/> |
</td></tr> |
</td></tr> |
<!-- ********* Finish $comic ($comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}) ******* --> |
<!-- ********* Finish $comic ($comics->{$comic}{'fullName'}) ******* --> |
Line 171 sub writeMainIndex ($$) {
Line 335 sub writeMainIndex ($$) {
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub writeFooter { |
sub writeFooter { |
my ( $date ) = @_; |
my ( $date ) = @_; |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $date->{'year2'} . $date->{'mon2'} . |
my $sd = substr( join( '', $days[$date->{'dow'}] ), 0, 3 ); |
$date->{'day2'} . ".html"; |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $date->{'year2'} . |
$date->{'mon2'} . $date->{'day2'} . "-" . |
$sd . ".html"; |
my $sysDate = `date`; |
my $sysDate = `date`; |
open INDEX, ">>$indexFile"; |
open INDEX, ">>$indexFile"; |
print INDEX <<EOF; |
print INDEX <<EOF; |
</table> |
</table> |
<center> |
<center> |
<font size="2"> |
Generated on: <font size="2" color="green">$sysDate</font><br/> |
Generated on: <font color="green">$sysDate</font><br/> |
Version: <font size="2" color="green">$ver</font><br /> |
Version: <font color="green">$ver</font><br /> |
Config Version: <font size="2" color="green">$comicConfigVer</font><br /> |
CVS: <a href=""></a> |
CVS: <a href=""></a> |
<p> |
<br /> |
<a href=""><img |
<a href=""><img |
src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" border="0" /></a> |
src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" height="31" width="88" border="0" /></a> |
</p> |
</center> |
</center> |
</body> |
</body> |
Line 209 sub checkDir ($$) {
Line 374 sub checkDir ($$) {
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub writeTitle ($$) { |
sub writeTitle ($$) { |
my ( $date ) = @_; |
my ( $date ) = @_; |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $date->{'year2'} . $date->{'mon2'} . |
my $sd = substr( join( '', $days[$date->{'dow'}] ), 0, 3 ); |
$date->{'day2'} . ".html"; |
my $indexFile = $indexDir . "/index-" . $date->{'year2'} . |
$date->{'mon2'} . $date->{'day2'} . "-" . |
$sd . ".html"; |
my $today = $days[$date->{'dow'}] . " " . $date->{'mon'} . "/" . $date->{'day'} . "/" . $date->{'year'}; |
my $today = $days[$date->{'dow'}] . " " . $date->{'mon'} . "/" . $date->{'day'} . "/" . $date->{'year'}; |
my $today_long = Date_to_Text_Long(Today()); |
open INDEX, ">$indexFile"; |
open INDEX, ">$indexFile"; |
print INDEX <<EOF; |
print INDEX <<EOF; |
Line 220 sub writeTitle ($$) {
Line 388 sub writeTitle ($$) {
<html xmlns=""> |
<html xmlns=""> |
<head> |
<head> |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> |
<link href="/daily/comics/comics.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> |
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" /> |
<title>Daily Comics for $today</title> |
<title>Daily Comics for $today</title> |
</head> |
</head> |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> |
<h1>Daily Comics for $today</h1> |
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
<table align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="left"><img src="images/daily_comics_heading01.png" alt="Comic Page Heading" /></td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">$today_long</td></tr> |
<tr><td> </td></tr> |
close (INDEX); |
close (INDEX); |
} |
} |
Line 241 sub directDownload ($$) {
Line 413 sub directDownload ($$) {
my $cDir = $date->{'mon2'} . $date->{'year2'}; |
my $cDir = $date->{'mon2'} . $date->{'year2'}; |
my $cDate = $date->{'day2'}; |
my $cDate = $date->{'day2'}; |
my $cmd = "wget -q $file --referer=\"" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} ."\" --user-agent=\"$USER_AGENT\" -O - | /usr/bin/convert - jpeg:images/$cDir/$comic-$cDate.jpg"; |
my $cmd = "wget --no-check-certificate -q $file --referer='" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} ."' --user-agent=\"$USER_AGENT\" -O - | /usr/bin/convert - jpeg:images/$cDir/$comic-$cDate.jpg"; |
return system($cmd); |
return system($cmd); |
} |
} |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub linkOnly ($$) { |
my ( $comics, $comic, $date ) = @_; |
return 0; |
} |
####################################################################### |
####################################################################### |
sub indexDownload ($$) { |
sub indexDownload ($$) { |
my ( $comics, $comic, $date ) = @_; |
my ( $comics, $comic, $date ) = @_; |
my ( @lines, $comicLine, $mainURL ); |
my ( @lines, $comicLine, $mainURL ); |
my $comicIndex = "indexes/index.$comic"; |
my $comicIndex = "indexes/index.$comic"; |
`wget -q $comics->{$comic}{'url'} -O $comicIndex`; |
print("Getching Index $comicIndex.\n"); |
print("comic url: $comics->{$comic}{'url'}\n"); |
print Dumper($comics->{$comic}); |
my $wget_cmd = "wget --referer='$comics->{$comic}{'url'}' " . |
"--no-check-certificate --user-agent=\"$USER_AGENT\" " . |
"$comics->{$comic}{'url'} -O $comicIndex"; |
print ("Using wget command:\n$wget_cmd\n"); |
my $status = system($wget_cmd); |
print ("Return status: $status\n"); |
if ( ! open FILEN, "<$comicIndex" ) { |
if ( ! open FILEN, "<$comicIndex" ) { |
return "ERROR: Can't open index file for " . $comics->{$comic}{'fullName'} . |
return "ERROR: Can't open index file for " . $comics->{$comic}{'fullName'} . |
" (" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} . ")"; |
" (" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} . ")"; |
} |
} |
@lines = <FILEN>; |
while (<FILEN>) { |
my $line = $_; |
$line =~ s/\R|\ \ +|\t//g if ( $comics->{$comic}{'remove_newlines'} ); |
push @lines, $line; |
} |
close (FILEN); |
close (FILEN); |
unlink ("$comicIndex"); |
unlink ("$comicIndex"); |
$mainURL = $comics->{$comic}{'url'}; |
$mainURL = $comics->{$comic}{'url'}; |
Line 271 sub indexDownload ($$) {
Line 468 sub indexDownload ($$) {
## |
## |
## Find the comic strip URL based on the specified regex in the search |
## Find the comic strip URL based on the specified regex in the search |
## |
## |
print "Using search $comics->{$comic}{'search'}\n"; |
foreach my $line (@lines) { |
foreach my $line (@lines) { |
if ( $line =~ m/$comics->{$comic}{'search'}/ ) { |
if ( $line =~ m/$comics->{$comic}{'search'}/i ) { |
print "Found match:\n"; |
$comicLine = $1; chomp $comicLine; |
$comicLine = $1; chomp $comicLine; |
print "+ $comicLine\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
## |
## |
## Save the file to the appropriate directory |
## Save the file to the appropriate directory |
Line 284 sub indexDownload ($$) {
Line 486 sub indexDownload ($$) {
my $cDate = $date->{'day2'}; |
my $cDate = $date->{'day2'}; |
if ( $comicLine ) { |
if ( $comicLine ) { |
print "Downloading Comic\n"; |
if ( $comicLine =~ m/(gif|jpg|png)/i ) { $comics->{$comic}{'ext'} = $1; } |
if ( $comicLine =~ m/(gif|jpg|png)/i ) { $comics->{$comic}{'ext'} = $1; } |
my $comicURL = ( $comicLine =~ m/http/ ) ? $comicLine : $mainURL . $comicLine; |
my $comicURL = ( $comicLine =~ m/http/ ) ? $comicLine : $mainURL . $comicLine; |
my $cmd = "wget --user-agent=\"$USER_AGENT\" --referer=\"" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} . "\" -q $comicURL -O - | /usr/bin/convert - jpeg:images/$cDir/$comic-$cDate.jpg"; |
print "Final URL: $comicURL\n"; |
# Strip & |
$comicURL =~ s/\&\;/&/g; |
my $cmd = "wget --no-check-certificate --user-agent=\"$USER_AGENT\" --referer='" . $comics->{$comic}{'url'} . "' -q '$comicURL' -O images/$cDir/$comic-$cDate.$comics->{$comic}{'ext'}"; |
system( $cmd ); |
system( $cmd ); |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
Line 326 sub fetchDates () {
Line 532 sub fetchDates () {
$dates{'day2'} = ( $dates{'day'} < 10 ) ? "0" . $dates{'day'} : $dates{'day'}; |
$dates{'day2'} = ( $dates{'day'} < 10 ) ? "0" . $dates{'day'} : $dates{'day'}; |
$dates{'mon'}++; |
$dates{'mon'}++; |
$dates{'mon2'} = ( $dates{'mon'} < 10 ) ? "0".$dates{'mon'} : $dates{'mon'}; |
$dates{'mon2'} = ( $dates{'mon'} < 10 ) ? "0".$dates{'mon'} : $dates{'mon'}; |
my @days = qw/ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday /; |
$dates{'wday'} = $days[$dates{'dow'}]; |
return %dates; |
return %dates; |
} |
} |