File:  [Local Repository] / comics / comics.conf
Revision 1.28: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Dec 13 16:03:22 2024 UTC (3 weeks, 5 days ago) by nick
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Updated sally forth to work as a link only.

#  This file is a CSV of what to download
#  $Id: comics.conf,v 1.28 2024/12/13 16:03:22 nick Exp $
#  $Log: comics.conf,v $
#  Revision 1.28  2024/12/13 16:03:22  nick
#  Updated sally forth to work as a link only.
#  Revision 1.27  2021/10/19 14:34:46  nick
#  Updated XKCD to work properly again.
#  Revision 1.26  2020/05/29 12:45:39  nick
#  Added Calvin and Hobbes
#  Revision 1.25  2019/04/15 12:50:44  nick
#  Updated Sally Forth.
#  Revision 1.24  2018/06/15 12:22:53  nick
#  Updated Questionable Content
#  Revision 1.23  2018/04/22 14:03:54  nick
#  Changed the default for Sunday comics that was causing issues with some comics.
#  Revision 1.22  2018/04/09 12:02:46  nick
#  Fixed configuration for StoneSoup, updated configuration for some Sunday comics.
#  Revision 1.21  2018/04/06 11:48:38  nick
#  Updated URL for For Better or For Worse, Foxtrot and Foxtrot Classics.
#  Revision 1.20  2018/01/27 14:39:47  nick
#  Added Cyanide & Happiness
#  Revision 1.19  2018/01/26 13:05:27  nick
#  Added a new config option to remove all newline from the resulting index.html
#  file.  This allows for easier parsing for certain comics.  I then updated
#  the URLs to search for and enabled the newline removal for a handful
#  of uComics.
#  I believe I've also properly fixed the Comic Config version displayed on
#  the webpage itself.
#  Revision 1.18  2017/08/17 12:32:42  nick
#  Updated For Better or For Worse URL change.
#  Revision 1.17  2017/01/16 13:53:10  nick
#  Fixed ucomic due to website change.
#  Revision 1.16  2015/10/22 12:58:44  nick
#  Added the ability for Sunday only comics.  Stonesoup is no longer weekdays, this has been added to Sunday only.  I also added Foxtrot Classics for weekdays and Foxtrot for Sundays.
#  This will be placed in to a hash like this:
#      "userfriendly" => {
#          url     =>      "",
#          search  =>      ".*Latest Strip.*(\/cartoons\/archives\/.*gif|png|jpg).*",
#          mode    =>      "1",
#          fullName=>      "User Friendly",
#          ext     =>      "gif",
#          Not Sundays     => "1",
#          Sunday_only     => "1",
#          remove_newlines => "0",
#      },
#  Note: error should always be 0, and ext can be left blank.  The script
#  will try to determine what it is but will fallback to whatever is in 
#  there by default if it can't get it.

base_directory = /home/httpd/html/daily/work
index_directory = indexes
image_directory = images

sallyfothh,,link,3,Sally Forth,/daily/comics/images/SallyForth.jpg,0,0,1

questionable_content,,.*<img src=\"(http.*\/comics\/.*)\">.*,1,Questionable Content,gif,1,0,0

# sallyforth,,<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"(.*?)\"\ \/>,1,Sally Forth,gif,0,0
#sallyforth,,.*<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"(.*?)\"\ \/>.*,1,Sally Forth,gif,0,0
#sallyforth,,.*<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"(.*?)\"\ \/>.*,1,Sally Forth,gif,0,0
# sallyforth,,.*<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"(.*?)\"\ \/>.*,1,Sally Forth,gif,0,0

# calvinandhobbes,,.*og:image.*(htt.*assets.amuniversal.*)\" ,1,Calvin and Hobbes,gif,0,0,0

stonesoup,,.*og:image.*(htt.*assets.amuniversal.*)\" ,1,StoneSoup,gif,0,1,1
forbetterorforworse,,.*og:image.*(htt.*assets.amuniversal.*)\" ,1,For Better or For Worse,gif,0,0,1

foxtrot,,.*og:image.*(htt.*assets.amuniversal.*)\" ,1,FoxTrot,gif,0,1,1

# foxtrotclassics,,.*og:image.*(htt.*assets.amuniversal.*)\",1,FoxTrot Classics,gif,1,0,1

# dilbert,,<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"(.*?)\"\/>,1,Dilbert,gif,1,0

pbs,,data-zoom-image=\"(.*/newspics/.*/\d+\.(?:gif|jpg))\".*src,1,Pearls Before Swine,gif,0,0
# questionable_content,,<img src=\"(https:\/\/\/comics\/.*.[png|gif])\">.*,1,Questionable Content,gif,1,0,0
babyblues,,data-zoom-image=\"(.*/newspics/.*/\d+\.(?:gif|jpg))\".*src,1,Baby Blues,gif,0,0
andycapp,,data-zoom-image=\"(.*/newspics/.*/\d+\.(?:gif|jpg))\".*src,1,Andy Capp,gif,0,0
xkcd,,.*embedding\): <a href.*\">(.*\.png).*,1,xkcd,png,1,0
# questionable_content,,.*<img src=\"(https:\/\/\/comics\/.*.[png|gif])\">.*,1,Questionable Content,gif,1,0,0
the_lockhorns,,data-zoom-image=\"(.*/newspics/.*/\d+\.(?:gif|jpg))\".*src,1,The Lockhorns,gif,0,0

#### OLD COMICS ####
#dilbert,,.*textarea class=\"STR_EmbedCode\".*<img src=\"(.*gif|jpg)\" border.*,1,Dilbert,gif,1
#userfriendly,,.*Latest Strip.*(\/cartoons\/archives\/.*gif|png|jpg).*,1,User Friendly,gif
#penny_arcade,,.\s*<img src=\"(.*com\/photos.*)\" alt.*,1,Penny Arcade,png
#blondie,,img src=\"(.*/newspics/.*gif)\",1,Blondie,gif,0
#wizard_of_id,,img src=\"(.*/newspics/.*gif)\",1,Wizard Of Id,gif,0
#hagar_the_horrible,,img src=\"(.*/newspics/.*gif)\",1,Hagar the Horrible,gif,0

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