File:  [Local Repository] / perlman / .perlman.swp
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Mar 28 03:35:34 2009 UTC (15 years, 11 months ago) by nick
Branches: perlman, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_0, HEAD
Initial import of Perlman

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u^G,D }KCB1HE4			232, 16, 0, 1, 1, 0, 	# 5			114, 14, 0, 1, 1, 			232, 16, 0, 1, 1, 0, 	# 5			114, 14, 0, 1, 1, 			232, 16, 0, 1, 1, 0, 	# 5					232, 16, 0, 1, 1, 0, 	# 5			114, 14, 0, 1, 1, 1, 	# 2			14, 16, 0, 1, 0, 1, 	# 0my @intersections = (#### ( 498, 552, 1, 0, 1, 0 )#### corner of the screen, you can go up and left: ## directions are available, up, down, left, right.  Example, the lower right## The format of this is the upper left corner coordinate, (x, y) and which#### is chasing pacman. ## it reaches an intersection, unless the ghost has a high agression level and## to determine which way to move.  So a ghost will move in one direction until## When they hit an intersection they will be given which directions they can go## These intersections are for a method I am trying out with the ghosts## intersections			  );			    { x => 298, y => 265, color => 'orange' },			    { x => 222, y => 265, color => 'cyan'   },			    { x => 260, y => 265, color => 'pink'   },my @ghostStart		= ( { x => 260, y => 207, color => 'red'    },			    'apple', 'pear', 'banana' );my @levelFruits		= ( 'cherry', 'strawberry', 'orange', 'pretzel', my %ghostAggressions	= ( 'red' => 90, 'cyan' => 70, 'pink' => 50, 'orange' => 30 );my @ghostColors		= ( 'red', 'cyan', 'pink', 'orange' );  # in order of agressionmy %ghosts;			# ghost datamy $eattenPellets	= 0;my $baseSpeed	 	= 0.3;my $fullscreen   	= 0;my $directionNext	= 0;my $directionOld 	= $direction;my $direction	 	= $LEFT;my $perlManAnim		= 0;my $perlManAnimSpeed 	= 7;my $perlManSpeed 	= 0;my $ghostSpeed   	= 1;my $revdFreeLife 	= 0;my $freeLife	 	= $FREE_LIFE;my $players	 	= 0;my $lives	 	= 0;my $highScore		= 0;my $score	 	= 0;my $redraw_all   	= 0;my $gameOver	 	= 0;my $playing	 	= 0;	#0 Are we playing the game?  default to '0' till game startsmy $level	 	= 0; 	# keep track of the level, we default to '0' till the game beginsmy $pelletOffsetY 	= 0;my $pelletOffsetX	= 13;my $boardOffsetY	= 0;my $boardOffsetX	= 5;## End of debug varsmy $drawGrid		= 1;	# draw path gridmy $drawIntersections	= 1; 	# draw intersectionsmy $drawWarpGates	= 1;	# draw the actual gates that warp pacmanmy $drawWarps		= 1;    # draw warp collision rectanglesmy $collisionDebugOn	= 1;	# Collision data is printed to STDOUTmy $numOnly		= 1;	# this will draw ONLY the number labels and no grey rectanglesmy $labelRects		= 1;	# this numerically labels each onemy $drawPoints		= 1; 	# this will draw the collision rectanglesmy $DEBUG		= 1;	# This will turn off ALL debugging, including the variables below## Debugging variables);	-size           =>      1024        -channels       =>      2,        -frequency      =>      44100,my $mixer = new SDL::Mixer();        -flags          =>      SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_HWACCEL,        -depth          =>      32,        -height         =>      600,        -width          =>      800,        -title          =>      'PerlMan',my $app = new SDL::App(my $CHASE	= 1;my $PATROL	= 0;my $UP_RIGHT	= 8;my $DOWN_RIGHT	= 7;my $DOWN_LEFT	= 6;my $UP_LEFT	= 5;my $RIGHT	= 4;my $LEFT	= 3;my $DOWN	= 2;my $UP		= 1;my $FREE_LIFE	= 200;  #should be 10000my $LIVES 	= 3;## Some 'static' variable declarationsuse SDL::OpenGL;use SDL::TTFont;use SDL::Sound;use SDL::Mixer;use SDL::Event;use SDL::Cursor;use SDL::Surface;use SDL::App;use SDL;## SDL Librariesuse Switch;use strict;=cut=end comment info	Version : $Id: .perlman.swp,v 2009/03/28 03:35:34 nick Exp $	PerlMan -- PacMan clone written using the Perl::SDL=begin comment info#!/usr/bin/perl -wado	YtqonmlL3pT8


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					}	$app->fill ( $rect, $color );		);		-y 	=> $y + $boardOffsetY,		-x	=> $x + $boardOffsetX,		-width  => 1,		-height => 1,	my $rect = SDL::Rect->new (	);		-b => 0x00,		-g => 0x00,		-r => 0xff,	my $color = SDL::Color->new (	my ( $x, $y ) = @_;sub drawPixel {}	$app->fill ( $rect, $color );		);		-y 	=> $y1 + $boardOffsetY,		-x	=> $x1 + $boardOffsetX,		-width  => ( $x2 - $x1 ),		-height => ( $y2 - $y1 ),	my $rect = SDL::Rect->new (	);		-b => 0x00,		-g => 0xff,		-r => 0x00,	my $color = SDL::Color->new (	my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $num ) = @_;sub drawRectI {}	}		$font->print ( $app, $rect->x, $rect->y, $num );					     -bg=>$color, -fg=>$fontColor );		my $font = new SDL::TTFont ( -name=>"./fonts/CourierNew-Bold.ttf", -size=>10,		);			-b => 0x00,			-g => 0x00,			-r => 0xff,		my $fontColor = new SDL::Color ( 		) if ( $numOnly );					-b => 0x00,			-g => 0x00,			-r => 0x00,		$color = new SDL::Color (		$num /= 4;	if ( $labelRects ) {	$app->fill ( $rect, $color ) if ( ! $numOnly );		);		-y 	=> $y1 + $boardOffsetY,		-x	=> $x1 + $boardOffsetX,		-width  => ( $x2 - $x1 ),		-height => ( $y2 - $y1 ),	my $rect = SDL::Rect->new (	);		-b => 0xff,		-g => 0xff,		-r => 0xff,	my $color = SDL::Color->new (	my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $num ) = @_;sub drawRect {################################### Temporary fucntions###############################}	}                $app->grab_input ( SDL_GRAB_OFF );                SDL::Cursor::show ( undef, 1 );                $fullscreen = 0;	else {ad<|@t4


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					J		ron[YXWT3i=M#nFCwb8xtjge9763d?<	}		$app->grab_input ( SDL_GRAB_ON );			SDL::Cursor::show ( undef, 0 );		$fullscreen = 1;	if ( ! $fullscreen ) {	$app->fullscreen ();sub setFullScreen {#### Switch between fullscreen and windowed.  Take away our mouse cursor in fullscreen##}	return $hit; 	# returns non-zero for a hit		}		$hit++;		}			$collisionDebugOn--;EOF+-------+---------------+---------------+| Left	| $leftA		| $leftB		|| Right	| $rightA		| $rightB		|| Top	| $topA		| $topB		|| Bottom| $bottomA		| $bottomB		|+-------+---------------+---------------+	| Wall  	| PacMan	|	+---------------+---------------+Collision with wall $rect at:DirectionNext	: $directionNextDirectionOld	: $directionOldDirection	: $direction			print <<EOF;		if ( $collisionDebugOn && $DEBUG ) {			        next if ( $leftA >= $rightB );		next if ( $rightA <= $leftB );	        next if ( $topA >= $bottomB );		next if ( $bottomA <= $topB );		my $bottomA = $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->y + $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->height;		my $topA    = $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->y;		my $rightA  = $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->x + $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->width;		my $leftA   = $SDLBoardRects[$rect]->x;	for my $rect ( 0 .. $#SDLBoardRects ) {    	my $bottomB = $object->y + $object->height;        my $topB    = $object->y;	my $rightB  = $object->x + $object->width;	my $leftB   = $object->x;		my $hit    = 0;	my $object = shift;	# must be a SDL->Rectsub wallCollision {##### Usefull for pacman and the ghosts## This will tell us if we are about to hit a wall.## Lets do some wall collisions.##}	return @SDLRects;	}		push ( @SDLRects, $rect );			);				-y 	=> $gameBoardData[$idx + 1] + $boardOffsetY - 2,				-x	=> $gameBoardData[$idx] + $boardOffsetX - 1,				-width  => ( $gameBoardData[$idx + 2] - $gameBoardData[$idx] + 3 ),				-height => ( $gameBoardData[$idx + 3] - $gameBoardData[$idx + 1] + 4 ),		my $rect = SDL::Rect->new (	for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $size; $idx += 4 ) {		$size--;	my @SDLRects = ();	my $size = scalar @gameBoardData;sub boardDataToSDLRects {## Convert our board x,y Data in to SDL rectangles so we don't need to keep redoing this}	}		);			-y	=> ( $pelletCords[$idx+1] ),# + $pelletOffsetY ),			-x	=> ( $pelletCords[$idx] ), #+ $pelletOffsetX ),			-width  => 4,			-height => 4,		$pellets{$idx}{'rect'}   = SDL::Rect->new (		);			-b => 0x97,			-g => 0xb8,			-r => 0xff,		$pellets{$idx}{'color'} = new SDL::Color ( 		$pellets{$idx}{'active'} = 1;		$pellets{$idx}{'points'} = 10;	for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $pcount; $idx += 2 ) {	$pcount--;	my $pcount = scalar @pelletCords;sub setupPellets {#### locations, and activity## populate our pellet hash with pellet images, rectangles## We have a list of pellet coordinates.  We want to ##}	}		&configIntroScreen unless ( defined ( $bgColor ) );	sub drawIntroScreen {	}		$app->sync ( );		$titleImage->blit ( 0, $app, $titleRect );				$app->fill ( 0, $bgColor );		$app->grab_input ( SDL_GRAB_OFF ); 		SDL::Cursor::show ( undef, 1 );		# no point in grabbing the mouse...					      -height=>$titleImage->height ( ), -y=>50, -x=>170 );		$titleRect  = new SDL::Rect ( -width=>$titleImage->width ( ),		$titleImage = new SDL::Surface ( -name=>'./images/perlman-title.gif' );		$fgColor = new SDL::Color ( -r=>0, -g=>255, -b=>255 );	#yellow		$bgColor = new SDL::Color ( -r=>0, -g=>0, -b=>0 );	#black	sub configIntroScreen {	my ( $bgColor, $fgColor, $titleImage, $titleRect );{## ## Handling the opening intro screen## }	}adxwDq7'


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		m	`	4		hSRgZ/}hWspo@1JNwdc#"		return 0;	sub seePacMan {	}		return 0;                return 1 if ( &wallCollision ( $gRect ) == 0 );                );                        -y      => $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->y + $changeY,                        -x      => $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->x + $changeX,                        -width  => $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->width,                	-height => $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->height,                my $gRect = SDL::Rect->new (                }                	case 4 { $changeX += $ghostSpeed; } #right                        case 3 { $changeX -= $ghostSpeed; } #left                        case 2 { $changeY += $ghostSpeed; } #down                        case 1 { $changeY -= $ghostSpeed; } #up                switch ( $dir ) {		my $changeX = 0;		my $changeY = 0;		my ( $ghost, $dir ) = @_;	sub canMove {	# Can we move in the direction we want to go?	}#	print "$rdir\n";		$ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} = $rdir;		do { $rdir = int rand ( 4 ) + 1; } while ( $rdir != $ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} & ! &canMove ( $_, $rdir ) );#		print "Random Chase ($ghost): using direction ==> ";		my $rdir  = 0;		my $ghost = shift;	sub doRandomChase {	}		else { return 0; }		}			return 1;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'pacPos'} = $UP;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} = ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'scared'} ) ? $DOWN : $UP;		} elsif ( &canMove ( $ghost, $UP ) ) {					return 1;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'pacPos'} = $DOWN;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} = ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'scared'} ) ? $UP : $DOWN;			#pacman is below us		if ( ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->y <= $perlManRect->y ) && ( &canMove ( $ghost, $DOWN ) ) ) {		my $ghost = shift;	sub tryVerticleChase {	}		return 0;		}			return 1;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'pacPos'} = $LEFT;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} = ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'scared'} ) ? $LEFT: $RIGHT;			# PacMan is on our right		} elsif ( &canMove ( $ghost, $RIGHT ) ) {			return 1;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'pacPos'} = $RIGHT;			$ghosts{$ghost}{'direction'} = ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'scared'} ) ? $RIGHT : $LEFT;			# pacman is on our left		if ( ( $ghosts{$ghost}{'rect'}->x > $perlManRect->x ) && ( &canMove ( $ghost, $LEFT ) ) ) {			my $ghost = shift;	sub tryHorizontalChase {	}		}				else		  { &doRandomChase ( $_ ) if ( &tryVerticleChase ( $_ ) == 0 ); }			if ( $dx >= $dy ) { &doRandomChase ( $_ ) if ( &tryHorizontalChase ( $_ ) == 0 ); }			my $dy = abs ( $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->y - $perlManRect->y );			my $dx = abs ( $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->x - $perlManRect->x );			## Find PacMan and head towards him			$ghosts{$_}{'targetWait'} = 200;			next if ( ( $ghosts{$_}{'targetWait'} ) > $ghosts{$_}{'aggression'} );			## Are we ready for a new target?			$ghosts{$_}{'targetWait'} = 0 if ( $ghosts{$_}{'aggression'} > 50 && &seePacMan ( $_ ) );			## If we are aggressive enough and see pacman, chase him			$ghosts{$_}{'targetWait'}--;		foreach ( keys %ghosts ) {sub perlManPosition {	#	# Determine pacman's position from a ghost and set a direction	#	}		}EOFy+w	-> $y1x+h	-> $x1y	-> $yx	-> $xCorner	   Where we are going to be	Where we werePosition of PerlMan on map:			print <<EOF;			$y1 .= "\t\t\t\t".($pmRect->y + $perlManRect->height);			my $y1 = $perlManRect->y + $perlManRect->height;			$x1 .= "\t\t\t\t".($pmRect->x + $perlManRect->width);			my $x1 = $perlManRect->x + $perlManRect->width;			my $y  = $perlManRect->y."\t\t\t\t".$pmRect->y;			my $x  = $perlManRect->x."\t\t\t\t".$pmRect->x;		if ( $DEBUG ) {	sub positionDebug {	}		$app->sync();		}			$top += $textHeight;			$gameOverFont->print ( $app, 150, $top, $m );ad`]~a3


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	xEv6ztGYp=q7xu?			$x    = ( 800 - $x ) / 2;			my $x = $gameOverFont->width ( 0, $m );		foreach my $m ( @msg ) {		my $top        = ( 600 - ( ( scalar @msg ) * $textHeight ) ) / 2;		my $textHeight = $gameOverFont->height ( $msg[0] );					    "Press button to continue" );		my @msg = ( "GAME OVER", "Score: $score", "Level: $level", 	sub drawGameOver {	}		}			);					-y 	=> $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'old'}{'Y'}					-x 	=> $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'old'}{'X'},					-height => $ghostImages[$_][1]->height,					-width  => $ghostImages[$_][1]->width,			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rectOld'} = new SDL::Rect ( 			);					-y 	=> $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'Y'}					-x 	=> $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'X'},					-height => $ghostImages[$_][1]->height,					-width  => $ghostImages[$_][1]->width,			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'} = new SDL::Rect ( 				$ghostImages[$_][13] = new SDL::Surface ( -name => './images/ghost-scared-2.gif' );				$ghostImages[$_][9] = new SDL::Surface ( -name => './images/ghost-scared-1.gif' );				}					$ghostImages[$_][$idx] = new SDL::Surface ( -name => $filen );					my $filen = "./images/ghost-" . $ghostColors[$_] . "-" . $idx . ".gif";				for ( my $idx = 1; $idx <= 8; $idx++ ) {				}					case 3	{ $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} = $DOWN; }					case 2	{ $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} = $UP; }					case 1	{ $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} = $UP; }					case 0	{ $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} = $LEFT; }				switch ( $_ ) {				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'aggression'} 		= $ghostAggressions{$ghostColors[$_]};				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'targetWait'} 		= 0;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'target'}{'Y'}		= 0;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'target'}{'X'}		= 0;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'old'}{'Y'} 		= $ghostStart[$_]{y};				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'old'}{'X'} 		= $ghostStart[$_]{x};				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'Y'} 	  		= $ghostStart[$_]{y};				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'X'} 	  		= $ghostStart[$_]{x};				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'mode'}	   		= $PATROL;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pacPos'}	   		= $DOWN_LEFT;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'scared'}	   		= 0;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'}	   		= 0;				$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'speed'}   			= 1;			foreach ( 0 .. $#ghostColors ) {			# which I have yet to learn how to do.			# animation state, location, and whatever we need for the AI 			# We have four ghosts.  We need to assign each ghost a graphic,		sub setupGhosts {		}			return 0;			}				}					return $pellets{$_}{'rect'};					$eattenPellets++;									$pellets{$_}{'active'} = 0;					$score += $pellets{$_}{'points'};					next if ( $leftA >= $rightB );					next if ( $rightA <= $leftB );					next if ( $topA >= $bottomB );					next if ( $bottomA <= $topB );					my $bottomA = $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->y + $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->height;					my $topA    = $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->y;					my $rightA  = $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->x + $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->width;					my $leftA   = $pellets{$_}{'rect'}->x;				if ( $pellets{$_}{'active'} ) {			foreach ( keys %pellets ) {			my $bottomB = $object->y + $object->height;			my $topB    = $object->y;			my $rightB  = $object->x + $object->width;			my $leftB   = $object->x;					my $object = shift;	# must be a SDL->Rect		sub pelletCollision {		}			&updateScores ();			$smallTitleImage->blit ( 0, $app, $smallTitleRect );							      -height=>$smallTitleImage->height(), -y=>4, -x=>550 );		my $smallTitleRect  = new SDL::Rect ( -width=>$smallTitleImage->width(),		my $smallTitleImage = new SDL::Surface ( -name=>'./images/perlman-title-small.png' );adCoEA>=&W


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jf?xUQNMI!n>on							sub drawStats () {	##	## Display high score, initial score, pacman lives, and level fruits	## 	}		$gameBoardImage->blit ( 0, $app, $gameBoardRect );						     -y=>$boardOffsetY, -x=>$boardOffsetX );						     -height=>$gameBoardImage->height(), 		my $gameBoardRect  = new SDL::Rect ( -width=>$gameBoardImage->width(),		my $gameBoardImage = new SDL::Surface ( -name=>'./images/gameboard.png' );	sub drawGameBoard () {	## 	## Display our blue game board borders	##	}		}				if ( $pellets{$_}{'active'} );			$app->fill ( $pellets{$_}{'rect'}, $pellets{$_}{'color'} )		foreach ( keys %pellets ) {	sub drawPellets () {	##	## Draw Pellets	##	}		$perlManAnim++;		$PMSD = 1 if ( $perlManState < 2 );		$PMSD = -1 if ( $perlManState > 3 );		}			$perlManAnim = 0;			$perlManState += $PMSD;		if ( $perlManAnim > $perlManAnimSpeed ) {	sub updatePerlManState () {	## Animiation state	}		}			return 0;			$directionNext = ( $dir != $directionOld ) ? $directionOld : 0;		else {		}			return 1;			$directionOld   = $dir if ( $dir != $directionOld );			$perlManPosX   += $changeX;			$perlManPosY   += $changeY; 			$perlManPosOldX = $perlManPosX; 			$perlManPosOldY = $perlManPosY;		if ( &wallCollision ( $pmRect ) == 0 ) {		);			-y	=> $perlManRect->y + $changeY,			-x	=> $perlManRect->x + $changeX,			-width  => $perlManRect->width,			-height => $perlManRect->height,		$pmRect = SDL::Rect->new (		}			case 4 { $changeX += $speed; } #right			case 3 { $changeX -= $speed; } #left		 	case 2 { $changeY += $speed; } #down			case 1 { $changeY -= $speed; } #up		switch ( $dir ) {		$scnt = 0 if ( $scnt >= $sleep );		$scnt++;		}			return 0;			$scnt++;		if ( $scnt < $sleep ) {		my $changeY = 0;		my $changeX = 0;		my $sleep   = 1;  # wait delay to move pacman (decrease to increase speed)		my $speed   = 2;  # number of pixels to move pacman		my $dir     = ( $directionNext != 0 ) ? $directionNext : shift;	sub updatePerlManDirection () {	}		}				else { $ghosts{$_}{'targetWait'} = 0; }				}					$ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'X'}       += $changeX;					$ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'Y'}       += $changeY;					$ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'old'}{'X'} = $ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'X'};					$ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'old'}{'Y'} = $ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'Y'};				if ( &wallCollision ( $gRect ) == 0 ) {					);					-y	=> $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->y + $changeY,					-x	=> $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->x + $changeX,					-width  => $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->width,					-height => $ghosts{$_}{'rect'}->height,				my $gRect = SDL::Rect->new (			}				case 4 { $changeX += $ghostSpeed; } #right				case 3 { $changeX -= $ghostSpeed; } #left		 		case 2 { $changeY += $ghostSpeed; } #down				case 1 { $changeY -= $ghostSpeed; } #up			switch ( $ghosts{$_}{'direction'} ) {			my $changeX = 0;			my $changeY = 0;		foreach ( keys %ghosts ) {		## Move ghost towards target		&perlManPosition ();		## Determine where to move ghost#		my $speed = 1;	sub updateGhostDirection () {	}		}			  	    $rectData[$idx + 2], $rectData[$idx + 3 ], $idx );			&drawRect ( $rectData[$idx], $rectData[$idx + 1], 		for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $size; $idx += 4 ) {		# Rectangles			$size--;		my $size = scalar @rectData;		my @rectData = @$ref;		my $ref = shift; 	sub drawBoardPoints {	}		}				     $intersections[$idx] + 1, $intersections[$idx + 1] + 1, $idx );			&drawRectI ( $intersections[$idx], $intersections[$idx + 1],		for ( my $idx = 0; $idx <= $size; $idx += 6 ) {ad!zfba\ueE 


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											[	1		ryuZkU9UT=)%$#yj[VU2#xw*ute		# Rectangles		$size--;		my $size = scalar @intersections;	sub drawIntersections {	}		$app->sync();		$font->print ( $app, 600, 300, $score);					     -bg=>$rectColor, -fg=>$fontColor );		$font = new SDL::TTFont ( -name=>"./fonts/CourierNew-Bold.ttf", -size=>16,		$app->fill ( $rect, $rectColor );		);			-width => 100,			-height => 26,			-y => 300,			-x => 600,		my $rect = new SDL::Rect (		);			-b => 0x00,			-g => 0x00,			-r => 0x00,		my $rectColor = new SDL::Color (		);			-b => 0xff,			-g => 0xff,			-r => 0xff,		$fontColor = new SDL::Color (		my ( $fontColor, $font );	sub updateScores {	}		$app->update ( @modified_areas );		#		# Blink power pellets		#		}			&updateScores();			# update the scores			$mixer->play_channel ( 1, $sndMunch, 0 );			# Play the munch sound			push ( @modified_areas, $rect );			$app->fill ( $rect, $color );			);				-b => 0x00,				-g => 0x00,				-r => 0x00,			my $color = new SDL::Color ( 			# we ate a pellet!  Yum!		if ( $rect != 0 ) {		my $rect = &pelletCollision ( $perlManRect );		#		# Did we eat a pellet?		#		&updatePerlManState();		}			&updatePerlManDirection ( $direction ); 		} else {			$directionNext = 0 if ( &updatePerlManDirection( $directionNext ) );		if ( $directionNext ) { 		#		# Check direction and update		# 		push ( @modified_areas, $perlManRect );		else { $perlManImages[$direction][$perlManState]->blit ( 0, $app, $perlManRect ); }		if ( $perlManState == 1 ) { $perlManImages[0]->blit ( 0, $app, $perlManRect ); }		$perlManRect->y ( $perlManPosY );		$perlManRect->x ( $perlManPosX );		#		# Draw new Pacman		#			push ( @modified_areas, $perlManRectOld );		$app->fill ( $perlManRectOld, $bgColor );		$perlManRectOld->y ( $perlManPosOldY );		$perlManRectOld->x ( $perlManPosOldX );		#		# Erase Old Pacman		#		&updateGhostDirection ( );		#		# Determine where to move ghosts		#		}			push ( @modified_areas, $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'} );			$ghostImages[$_][$ghostImg]->blit ( 0, $app, $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} = ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} == 4 ) ? 0 : 4;			my $ghostImg = ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'scared'} ) ? ( 9 + $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} ) : ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} + $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'}->y ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'Y'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'}->x ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'X'} );					foreach ( 0 .. $#ghostColors ) {		#		# draw new ghosts	###REMOVE			$app->fill ( $ghosts{				$app->fill ( $ghosts{$_}{'rectOld'}, $bgColor );			$ghosts{$_}{'rectOld'}->y ( $ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'old'}{'Y'} );			$ghosts{$_}{'rectOld'}->x ( $ghosts{$_}{'pos'}{'old'}{'X'} );		foreach ( @ghostColors ) {		#		# Erase old Ghosts		##		}#			}#				}#					push ( @modified_areas, $pellets{$_}{'rect'} );#					$app->fill ( $pellets{$_}{'rect'}, $pellets{$_}{'color'} ); #				if ( $pellets{$_}{'active'} ) {#			foreach ( keys %pellets ) {#			$ptick = 0;#		if ( $ptick >= 10 ) {#		$ptick++;		#		# refresh pellets every 10th tick		#		my @modified_areas = ();		#		# redraw the pellets the ghosts go over.		# We always need to modify ghosts, pacman, power pellets (blinking) and		# 		}			$redraw_all = 0;			$app->sync ();			&drawBoardPoints ( \@warpZoneData ) if ( $drawWarpGates && $DEBUG );			&drawGrid if ( $drawGrid && $DEBUG ); $#ad!}p\LIGF$_


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					y	x	u	t	\	'	{z^I4!dbNM7%$h/yBu[UpolkU>	\!			&drawGrid if ( @d			&drawIntersections if ( $drawIntersections && $DEBUG );			&drawBoardPoints ( \@warpZones ) if ( $drawWarps && $DEBUG );			&drawBoardPoints ( \@gameBoardData ) if ( $drawPoints && $DEBUG );			&drawPellets ();			&drawStats ();			&drawGameBoard ();			$app->fill ( 0, $bgColor );		if ( $redraw_all ) {	sub drawGameScreen {	}		$sndMunch = new SDL::Sound ( './sounds/munch A+B.wav' );		## Load up the music		}			}				$perlManImages[$dir][$idx] = new SDL::Surface ( -name=>$filename );				my $filename = "./images/perlman" . $idx . "" . $d . ".gif";				}					case 4	{ $d = 'r'; }					case 3	{ $d = 'l'; }					case 2	{ $d = 'd'; }					case 1	{ $d = 'u'; }				switch ( $dir ) {				my $d;			for ( my $idx = 2; $idx <= 4; $idx++ ) {	        for ( my $dir = 1; $dir <= 4; $dir++ ) {						     -y=>$perlManPosOldY, -x=>$perlManPosOldX );					             -height=>$perlManImages[0]->height (),		$perlManRectOld    = new SDL::Rect ( -width=>$perlManImages[0]->width (),						     -y=>$perlManPosY, -x=>$perlManPosX );					             -height=>$perlManImages[0]->height (),		$perlManRect       = new SDL::Rect ( -width=>$perlManImages[0]->width (),		$perlManImages[0]  = new SDL::Surface ( -name=>'./images/perlman1.gif' );		## Load up all our perlMan images	&setupGhosts ();		## Configure ghosts		&setupPellets ();			$perlManPosY  = $perlManPosOldY = 436;		$perlManPosX  = $perlManPosOldX = 358;		$perlManPosY  = $perlManPosOldY = 436;		$perlManPosX  = $perlManPosOldX = 258;		$direction    = $LEFT;		$scnt	      = 0;		$PMSD         = 1;		$perlManState = 1;		## Some starting defaults				-bg=>$bgColor, -fg=>$fgColor );		$gameOverFont = new SDL::TTFont ( -name=>"./fonts/crackman.ttf", -size=>20,		$fgColor = new SDL::Color ( -r=>0, -g=>255, -b=>255 );		$bgColor = new SDL::Color ( -r=>0, -g=>0, -b=>0 );	sub configGameScreen {	}		return $nextHeartbeat;		&drawGameScreen ();		my $nextHeartbeat = 5; ## Will eventually speed the game up as you go on		}			return 500;			&drawGameOver ( );			$gameOver = 1;		if ( $lives <= 0 ) {		##		## Game over if player has no more lives		##		&configGameScreen unless ( $bgColor );	sub updateGameState {	my ( @ghostImages );  ## All ghost information is stored here.        my ( $scnt, $pmRect, $sndMunch, $ptick );	my ( $perlManPosX, $perlManPosY, $perlManPosOldX, $perlManPosOldY, $PMSD);	my ( @perlManImages, @perlManRects, $perlManState, $nextHeartbeat );	my ( $bgColor, $perlManRect, $perlManRectOld, $fgColor, $gameOverFont, $textHeight );{#### Handling the game state (playing the game)##}sub processEventGameOver {}	}		case 'g'	{ $lives = 0; }				}				  }					$ghosts{$_}{'scared'} = ( $ghosts{$_}{'scared'} ) ? 0 : 1;		case "s"	{ foreach ( keys %ghosts ) { 				}					$collisionDebugOn = 1; print "Waiting for collision...\n"; }		case "c"	{ if ( $DEBUG ) { 		case "p"	{ &positionDebug ( ) if $DEBUG }		case "right"	{ $directionOld = $direction; $direction = $RIGHT; }		case "left"	{ $directionOld = $direction; $direction = $LEFT; }		case "down"	{ $directionOld = $direction; $direction = $DOWN; }		case "up"	{ $directionOld = $direction; $direction = $UP; }		case 'f'	{ &setFullScreen (); }	switch ( $keyName ) {	my $keyName = $event->key_name ();	$directionNext = 0;	my $event = shift;sub processEventPlayingKeypress {}	}		$players	= 2;		$lives		= $LIVES;		$score		= 0;		$redraw_all	= 1;		$actions	= $actions_playing;		$gameOver 	= 0;		$level 	 	= 1;		$playing 	= 1;	if ( $key_name eq '2' ) {adGt[B)(oT9


u1v7


	p	"	IE(tsp@=/.kjJIr=
~n]I*xwQ6 }nZJGF	}		$players	= 1;		$lives		= $LIVES;		$score		= 0;		$redraw_all	= 1;		$actions	= $actions_playing;		$gameOver 	= 0;		$level 	 	= 1;		$playing 	= 1;	     $key_name eq '1' ) {	if ( $key_name eq 'return' ||	}		&setFullScreen ( );	if ( $key_name eq 'f' ) {	my $key_name = $event->key_name ( );	my $event = shift;sub processEventIntroScreenKeypress {}	return 50;	}		return 500;		&drawIntroScreen ();	} else {		}			return 500;			&drawPauseScreen ();		} else {			return &updateGameState ();		if ( $playing ) {	if ( $level ) {sub heartbeat {}	$app->delay ( 5 );	}		}			$next_heartbeat = $app->ticks + $n;			my $n = &heartbeat () || 50;		if ( $app->ticks >= $next_heartbeat ) {		}			}		     		$actions->{$type}->($event);		     	     ref ( $actions->{$type} ) eq "CODE" ) {			if ( exists ( $actions->{$type} ) &&					    $event->key_name () eq 'q' );					    $event->key_name () eq 'escape' ||			last MAIN_LOOP if ( $type == SDL_KEYDOWN &&			last MAIN_LOOP if ( $type == SDL_QUIT );			my $type = $event->type ( );		while ( $event->poll ) {		    	while ( 1 ) {    MAIN_LOOP:	print "Debugging is enabled.\n" if ( $DEBUG );	my $event		= new SDL::Event;	my $next_heartbeat	= $app->ticks;sub eventLoop {&eventLoop();#### Program starts here with the main event loop##my $actions = $actions_intro_screen;};        SDL_KEYDOWN() => \&processEventGameOver,my $actions_game_over = {};        SDL_KEYDOWN() => \&processEventIntroScreenKeypress,my $actions_intro_screen = {};         SDL_KEYDOWN () => \&processEventPlayingKeypress,my $actions_playing = { my @SDLBoardRects 	= &boardDataToSDLRects();my %pellets;			  );			    564, 451, 564, 470, 564, 489, 564, 508, 564   ## bottom row			    564, 318, 564, 337, 564, 356, 564, 375, 564, 394, 564, 413, 564, 432, 			    564, 185, 564, 204, 564, 223, 564, 242, 564, 261, 564, 280, 564, 299, 			    31, 564, 51, 564, 71, 564, 91, 564, 109, 564, 128, 564, 147, 564, 166,			    507, 451, 507, 470, 507, 489, 507, 508, 507,   ## 2nd row from bottom 			    507, 318, 507, 337, 507, 356, 507, 432, 			    185, 507, 204, 507, 223, 507, 242, 507,  299, 			    31, 507, 51, 507, 71, 507, 91, 507, 109, 507, 			    470, 450, 489, 450, 508, 450,   ## 3rd row from bottom 			    450, 318, 450, 337, 450, 356, 450, 376, 450, 394, 450, 			    450, 185, 450, 204, 450, 223, 450, 242,  450, 299, 			    31, 450, 51, 450, 71, 450, 147, 450, 166,			    391, 451, 391, 470, 391, 489, 391, 508, 391,   ## 4th row from bottom 			    391, 318, 391, 337, 391, 356, 391, 375, 391, 394, 391, 432, 			    391, 185, 391, 204, 391, 223, 391, 242, 391, 299, 			    31, 391, 51, 391, 71, 391, 91, 391, 109, 391, 147, 391, 166,			    470, 469, 470, 487,			    356, 469, 356, 487,			    185, 469, 185, 487,			    71, 469, 71, 487,			    ## vertical pieces 3rd from bottom			    508, 431, 508, 412,			    299, 431, 299, 412,			    242, 431, 242, 412,			    31, 431, 31, 412,			    ## vertical pieces 2rd from bottom			    508, 545, 508, 526,			    299, 545, 299, 526,			    242, 545, 242, 526,			    31, 545, 31, 526,			    ## vertical pieces on bottom			    			    185, 144, 356, 144, 508, 144,			    185, 125, 356, 125, 508, 125,			    ## Verticle pieces by ghost house			    508, 87, 299, 87,			    508, 68, 299, 68,			    508, 49, 299, 49,			    ## Verticle top pieces			    ## Long column on right			    413, 391, 413, 412, 413, 431, 413, 450, 413, 469, 413, 487, 413, 507, ad


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				t	l	k		b1wL<,+8|{0_^15{zD			    413, 258, 413, 277, 413, 296, 413, 315, 413, 334, 413, 353, 413, 372, 			    413, 125, 413, 144, 413, 163, 413, 182, 413, 201, 413, 220, 413, 239,			    413, 31, 413, 49, 413, 68, 413, 87, 413, 106, 			    ## Long column on left			    128, 391, 128, 412, 128, 431, 128, 450, 128, 469, 128, 487, 128, 507, 			    128, 258, 128, 277, 128, 296, 128, 315, 128, 334, 128, 353, 128, 372, 			    128, 125, 128, 144, 128, 163, 128, 182, 128, 201, 128, 220, 128, 239,			    163, 451, 163, 470, 163, 489, 163, 508, 163,   ## 2nd row from top			    163, 318, 163, 337, 163, 356, 163, 432,			    185, 163, 204, 163, 223, 163, 242, 163, 299, 			    51, 163, 71, 163, 91, 163, 109, 163, 			    451, 106, 470, 106, 489, 106, 508, 106,   ## Top long row			    318, 106, 337, 106, 356, 106, 376, 106, 394, 106, 432, 106,			    185, 106, 204, 106, 223, 106, 242, 106, 261, 106, 280, 106, 299, 106,			    51, 106, 71, 106, 91, 106, 109, 106, 128, 106, 147, 106, 166, 106, 			    30, 451, 30, 470, 30, 489, 30, 508, 30,   ## 4th row from bottom 			    30, 318, 30, 337, 30, 356, 30, 375, 30, 394, 30, 432, 			    30, 185, 30, 204, 30, 223, 30, 242, 30, 299, 			    31, 30, 51, 30, 71, 30, 91, 30, 109, 30, 128, 30, 147, 30, 166,			    242, 87,			    242, 68,			    242, 49,	# top right of 2nd island			    242, 30,			    147, 30, 166, 30, 185, 30, 204, 30, 223, 30,	# above top left 2nd island			    128, 87,			    128, 68,			    128, 49,	# top left between islands			    128, 30,my @pelletCords		= ( 31, 30, 31, 49, 31, 68, 31, 87, 31, 106, 31, 125, 31, 144, 31, 163,	# top left going downmy @warpZoneData	= ( 1,264, 2, 296, 536, 264, 537, 296 );## "transported" to the outside of the next gate## These are the actual warp zone gates. When PacMan colides with them, he will bemy @warpZones 		= ( 1, 264, 25, 296, 500, 264, 545, 296);####  he enters the warp zone gates#### organized the same as above; these are the rectangles that will 'hide' pacman as 			  );			    0, 13, 9, 184	# 45			    0, 377, 9, 597,	# 44			    0,184, 106, 262,	# 43			    142, 471, 164, 529,	# 42			    47, 529, 221, 548,	# 41			    9, 471, 48, 492,	# 40			    85, 434, 106, 492, 	# 39			    47, 414, 106, 434, 	# 38			    0, 585, 536, 598,	# 37			    315, 529, 489, 548,	# 36			    373, 471, 393, 529,	# 35			    429, 434, 451, 492,	# 34			    429, 414, 489, 434,	# 33			    142, 414, 221, 434, # 32			    0, 299, 106, 377,	# 31			    142, 299, 163, 377,	# 30			    200, 241, 251, 253,	# 29			    200, 253, 210, 308,	# 28			    200, 308, 336, 320, # 27			    326, 253, 336, 308,	# 26			    285, 241, 336, 253,	# 25			    258, 375, 278, 434,	# 24			    200, 356, 336, 377,	# 23			    314, 414, 393, 433,	# 22			    372, 298, 393, 377,	# 21			    257, 491, 278, 548, # 20			    200, 470, 336, 492,	# 19			    257, 146, 278, 204,	# 18			    200, 127, 336, 146,	# 17			    314, 183, 373, 204,	# 16			    372, 126, 393, 262,	# 15			    487, 470, 528, 492,	# 14			    526, 375, 536, 596,	# 13			    429, 299, 536, 377,	# 12			    526, 12, 536, 185,	# 11			    429, 185, 536, 262,	# 10			    429, 127, 489, 147,	# 9			    429, 51, 489, 90,	# 8			    314, 51, 393, 90,	# 7			    0, 3, 534, 13,	# 6			 my $gridYCount	  = 30;my $gridXCount	  = 30;my $gridDistance  = 30;		    );			500,400		# bottom right				31, 400, 	# bottom left			500, 30,	# upper right			31, 30, 	# upper leftmy @gridCorners	  = (## Columns and row grid for pacman and ghosts to move along		    );			498, 552, 1, 0, 1, 0				14, 92, 1, 1, 0, 1, 	# 1			114, 92, 1, 1, 1, 1, 	# 1, 3			172, 92, 0, 1, 1, 1, 	# 3, 17			230, 92, 1, 0, 1, 1,	# 17, 5adq0#

rF`


								z	Y	I	9	)	#		~jfed`HDCBsdUFA@#k=c`\YX?		# Rectangles		$size--;		my $size = scalar @intersections;	sub drawIntersections {	}		}		oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ooooooooooooo333333333o3oooooooooooooooooooooooooo3qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq		for ( my $idx = 0; $id <= $#gridCorners; $id += 2 ) {	sub drawGrid {	}		$app->sync();		$font->print ( $app, 600, 300, $score);					     -bg=>$rectColor, -fg=>$fontColor );		$font = new SDL::TTFont ( -name=>"./fonts/CourierNew-Bold.ttf", -size=>16,		$app->fill ( $rect, $rectColor );		);			-width => 100,			-height => 26,			-y => 300,			-x => 600,		my $rect = new SDL::Rect (		);			-b => 0x00,			-g => 0x00,			-r => 0x00,		my $rectColor = new SDL::Color (		);			-b => 0xff,			-g => 0xff,			-r => 0xff,		$fontColor = new SDL::Color (		my ( $fontColor, $font );	sub updateScores {	}		$app->update ( @modified_areas );		#		# Blink power pellets		#		}			&updateScores();			# update the scores			$mixer->play_channel ( 1, $sndMunch, 0 );			# Play the munch sound			push ( @modified_areas, $rect );			$app->fill ( $rect, $color );			);				-b => 0x00,				-g => 0x00,				-r => 0x00,			my $color = new SDL::Color ( 			# we ate a pellet!  Yum!		if ( $rect != 0 ) {		my $rect = &pelletCollision ( $perlManRect );		#		# Did we eat a pellet?		#		&updatePerlManState();		}			&updatePerlManDirection ( $direction ); 		} else {			$directionNext = 0 if ( &updatePerlManDirection( $directionNext ) );		if ( $directionNext ) { 		#		# Check direction and update		# 		push ( @modified_areas, $perlManRect );		else { $perlManImages[$direction][$perlManState]->blit ( 0, $app, $perlManRect ); }		if ( $perlManState == 1 ) { $perlManImages[0]->blit ( 0, $app, $perlManRect ); }		$perlManRect->y ( $perlManPosY );		$perlManRect->x ( $perlManPosX );		#		# Draw new Pacman		#			push ( @modified_areas, $perlManRectOld );		$app->fill ( $perlManRectOld, $bgColor );		$perlManRectOld->y ( $perlManPosOldY );		$perlManRectOld->x ( $perlManPosOldX );		#		# Erase Old Pacman		#		&updateGhostDirection ( );		#		# Determine where to move ghosts		#		}			push ( @modified_areas, $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'} );			$ghostImages[$_][$ghostImg]->blit ( 0, $app, $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} = ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} == 4 ) ? 0 : 4;			my $ghostImg = ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'scared'} ) ? ( 9 + $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} ) : ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'direction'} + $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'state'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'}->y ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'Y'} );			$ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'rect'}->x ( $ghosts{$ghostColors[$_]}{'pos'}{'X'} );					foreach ( 0 .. $#ghostColors ) {		#		# draw new ghosts		#		}			push ( @modified_areas, $ghosts{$_}{'rectOld'} );adF^iL-~^?


|\<~^>



		S	R	$xwg=-b=j 6F				    413, 258, 413, 277, 413, 296, 413, 315, 413, 334, 413, 353, 413, 372, 			    413, 125, 413, 144, 413, 163, 413, 182, 413, 201, 413, 220, 413, 239,			    413, 31, 413, 49, 413, 68, 413, 87, 413, 106, 			    ## Long column on left			    128, 391, 128, 412, 128, 431, 128, 450, 128, 469, 128, 487, 128, 507, 			    128, 258, 128, 277, 128, 296, 128, 315, 128, 334, 128, 353, 128, 372, 			    128, 125, 128, 144, 128, 163, 128, 182, 128, 201, 128, 220, 128, 239,			    163, 451, 163, 470, 163, 489, 163, 508, 163,   ## 2nd row from top			    163, 318, 163, 337, 163, 356, 163, 432,			    185, 163, 204, 163, 223, 163, 242, 163, 299, 			    51, 163, 71, 163, 91, 163, 109, 163, 			    451, 106, 470, 106, 489, 106, 508, 106,   ## Top long row			    318, 106, 337, 106, 356, 106, 376, 106, 394, 106, 432, 106,			    185, 106, 204, 106, 223, 106, 242, 106, 261, 106, 280, 106, 299, 106,			    51, 106, 71, 106, 91, 106, 109, 106, 128, 106, 147, 106, 166, 106, 			    30, 451, 30, 470, 30, 489, 30, 508, 30,   ## 4th row from bottom 			    30, 318, 30, 337, 30, 356, 30, 375, 30, 394, 30, 432, 			    30, 185, 30, 204, 30, 223, 30, 242, 30, 299, 			    31, 30, 51, 30, 71, 30, 91, 30, 109, 30, 128, 30, 147, 30, 166,			    242, 87,			    242, 68,			    242, 49,	# top right of 2nd island			    242, 30,			    147, 30, 166, 30, 185, 30, 204, 30, 223, 30,	# above top left 2nd island			    128, 87,			    128, 68,			    128, 49,	# top left between islands			    128, 30,my @pelletCords		= ( 31, 30, 31, 49, 31, 68, 31, 87, 31, 106, 31, 125, 31, 144, 31, 163,	# top left going downmy @warpZoneData	= ( 1,264, 2, 296, 536, 264, 537, 296 );## "transported" to the outside of the next gate## These are the actual warp zone gates. When PacMan colides with them, he will bemy @warpZones 		= ( 1, 264, 25, 296, 500, 264, 545, 296);####  he enters the warp zone gates#### organized the same as above; these are the rectangles that will 'hide' pacman as 			  );			    0, 13, 9, 184	# 45			    0, 377, 9, 597,	# 44			    0,184, 106, 262,	# 43			    142, 471, 164, 529,	# 42			    47, 529, 221, 548,	# 41			    9, 471, 48, 492,	# 40			    85, 434, 106, 492, 	# 39			    47, 414, 106, 434, 	# 38			    0, 585, 536, 598,	# 37			    315, 529, 489, 548,	# 36			    373, 471, 393, 529,	# 35			    429, 434, 451, 492,	# 34			    429, 414, 489, 434,	# 33			    142, 414, 221, 434, # 32			    0, 299, 106, 377,	# 31			    142, 299, 163, 377,	# 30			    200, 241, 251, 253,	# 29			    200, 253, 210, 308,	# 28			    200, 308, 336, 320, # 27			    326, 253, 336, 308,	# 26			    285, 241, 336, 253,	# 25			    258, 375, 278, 434,	# 24			    200, 356, 336, 377,	# 23			    314, 414, 393, 433,	# 22			    372, 298, 393, 377,	# 21			    257, 491, 278, 548, # 20			    200, 470, 336, 492,	# 19			    257, 146, 278, 204,	# 18			    200, 127, 336, 146,	# 17			    314, 183, 373, 204,	# 16			    372, 126, 393, 262,	# 15			    487, 470, 528, 492,	# 14			    526, 375, 536, 596,	# 13 $#			    429, 299, 536, 377,	# 12			    526, 12, 536, 185,	# 11			    429, 185, 536, 262,	# 10			    429, 127, 489, 147,	# 9			    429, 51, 489, 90,	# 8			    314, 51, 393, 90,	# 7			    0, 3, 534, 13,	# 6			    258, 13, 278, 90,	# 5			    163, 183, 221, 204,	# 4			    142, 127, 163, 262, # 3			    142, 50, 221, 90,	# 2			    47, 126, 106, 147,	# 1my @gameBoardData	= ( 46, 50, 106, 90, 	# 0## rectangle, top left, lower right (x1, y1, x2, y2 ); 1 rectangle per linead
fc_\[B		# Rectangles		$size--;		my $size = scalar @intersections;	sub drawIntersections {	}		}		oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ooooooooooooo333333333o3oooooooooooooooooooooooooo3qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

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